Who I am

Hey there,

If you've stopped by, that means that you are probably interested in hearing more about Paleo.  Maybe you have heard about it, are curious about it, or want to know if it will work for you.  Well guess what.  That's why I'm here too.  I'm trying to figure this thing out just like you are.  Before we talk about Paleo, here is a little bit about myself.  

I am a 24 year old wife and mom from central NC.  I am married to the sexiest man I ever have known (sorry but it's true).  His name is Brian; he is 28 and we have the most adorable, crazy little guy named Ellis. 
A much younger Ellis

I am an ER nurse and have been for the last 3 years.  I absolutely love it and could not imagine doing anything different.  

Like I am assuming every girl has experienced, I have struggled with not only my weight but also my self worth.  I placed much of who I thought I was in what the scale said.  I was anorexic in college and lost about 30 pounds in 1 month.  Most people would kill to lose that much weight that fast but hold your horses.  That was the most miserable time of my life.  I had zero energy and my body changed so quickly that my brain could not even keep up and I ended up looking in the mirror and feeling like I hadn't lost any weight.  And just like every great fad diet, I gained every single pound back and then some.  So then I was even MORE miserable.  

Long story short, I have spent much of my life, wishing I was different.  So today, I am letting all of that go and taking care of my body. I am doing this through Paleo.  Follow along as I spend the next 30 days seeing what happens.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing part of your story! That takes courage! I pray that God gives you increased freedom and victory as you embark on this new journey. Best of luck!! :)
