Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Day 8: Week One Done (I cannot believe my results)


I am so proud of myself so far.  Yesterday marked 1 week of paleo and I have NOT cheated one time.  Well, except for that one time I ate something with peanuts in it...but it was an accident :)

My hubby was impressed at my ability to stick to it.  He has been with me through many dieting "phases" and I can rarely keep with them for more than a couple days.  I asked him today what he thought about me making it a whole week without cheating and he said, "I honestly was giving you about 2 and a half days".  I can't say I blame him.  That's usually how it goes with me.  You've probably done the same thing.  Here is the cycle...

1) You look in the mirror or get on the scale and are disgusted with yourself.  You've gotta get a hold of yourself, Big Booty Judy.  

2) You research diets until you find one with enough shocking before and afters to substantiate actually spending money on (don't lie...you know you do this)

3) You are super motivated to start because you know that it's going to work for you and that you'll totally be able to only eat one meal a day and drink "delicious" (grainy, bland, processed) shakes the rest of the day for the rest of your life.  

Day One = "OK...I can do this.  It's not too bad"
Day Two = "Alright, I'm a little hungry but I can't give up yet!  I want some curly fries but this rice cake tastes almost exactly the same." (LIES)
Day Two nighttime: "I am STARVING.  Maybe if I go to sleep I won't be hungry"
Day Three: "I want a cookout milkshake."
Day Three 1 pm: "OMG Oreo milkshake is on special.  LOOK AWAY LOOK AWAY."
Day Three at approximately 4:30 pm = "I still want a cookout milkshake"
Day Three
at approximately 4:45 pm = "This cookout milkshake is freaking incredible."

5) Then it's back to #1

You know this is you too.  I can't be the only one.  I give up so easily.  Here's where Paleo is different.  In most "diets", you are counting calories. I freaking hate counting freaking calories.  Again I say, I FREAKING HATE COUNTING FREAKING CALORIES.  Ain't nobody got time for that.  I hate measuring stuff.  I think that doing all that makes me hungrier and easier to fail because I tell myself that I can't have more.  In Paleo, I AM FULL....seriously, I have not felt "hunger pains" ONCE.  NOT ONE TIME.  

What I am eating keeps me full!  Before, if I was on a diet, I would eat rice cakes as a snack.  And it would keep me full for...about...HA! Who am I kidding? Who ever has gotten full from a rice cake besides an Olsen twin.  I stay full on real food.  And guess what?  I feel great.  Here are my week one results.

1) I'm not hungry.  Filling up on proteins and healthy fats, I don't feel the need to eat cake or donuts when they are around.

2) I no longer am having detox symptoms.  The first couple of days were gnarly (don't get me wrong...headaches, hot flashes, etc).  Those are gone. I'm feeling like a normal human being with energy and happiness!

3) I look different.  I can't be the only one who looks at themselves sideways in the mirror every morning to see how fat they look. Haha. I am no longer pooching out.  I feel less bloated for sure.  I am not weighing till the end and even if I don't weigh a pound less, I can tell you that I know I look better.  And that's after only one week

4) It's not hard anymore.  It's actually becoming a normal thing for me now.  The first few days were hard, trying to come up with something to eat, but it's really not bad now.  

5) I am impressed with my willpower; not because I have had strong temptations and stayed away but because my temptations are not nearly as strong.  When I first thought about going paleo, I just knew that I was going to have to throw all the "bad food" away in order to not eat it (but with a husband and 2 year old in the house, that wasn't an option).  I have been able to eat in my own house, with all this tasty crap around, without even looking at it lovingly.  

6) Let's get down to the numbers because all this other crap is just subjective anyway.  Reminder...I am not weighing for 30 days so here are my measurement results.  

In ONE week, I have lost:

2.5 inches from my waist alone
1.5 inches from my hips
1/2 an inch from each thigh
1 inch from my bust


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