Monday, July 6, 2015

Day One weight (dun dun DUNNNN)

The day is finally here...Paleo day 1.  

No turning back now (well I guess that's not entirely true but this blog would be super lame if I gave up on day 1).  It's really not bad! Not bad at all!  Ok, well it's only about 4:30 and I've only really had 2 paleo meals but I'm not feeling like I'm missing out on anything yet.  And everything I have had has been super yummy.  

This morning, for breakfast I had 3 scrambled eggs and a pluot.  (If you are unfamiliar with pluots, they are a cross between a plum and an apricot and they are freaking delicious).  I went to the gym with Brian as we normally do.  Then for lunch I made up a delicious paleo meal that I haven't quite named yet (because there are a lot of ingredients that don't really sound good together as a name).  So until I think of a better name, we'll call it...."Paleo Pesto Lemon Sundried Tomato Honey Bacon Chicken".  Ok, way too long.  We will go with Paleo Bacon Pesto Chicken.  For a side, I made Garlic Bacon Broccoli.

Here's where it is about to get really real.  I had debated on whether or not I wanted to share this part of my life but I am aiming for transparency and accountability and my fear is not going to stand in the way anymore.  I would say that most women are afraid of this one number.  Everyone's is different but it has so much power that when it is low enough, can make us feel invincible but also has the power to make us feel completely worthless.  


I cannot count the times that I have just stood on the scale and cried.  But why? It has taken me this long to realize that IT DOES NOT DEFINE ME.  The scale does not count the times that I made someone laugh or how many kisses I have given my son.  It does not count how many times my husband tells me that he loves me and it sure as hell does not give me a numerical score of my beauty.  I am done giving it power and to prove that, I am going to share...with the entire internet just how much I weigh.  And guess what?  It DOESN'T matter! Ha! It feels so freeing. 

This next month, I am not going to step on the scale one time.  I am going to measure my success by how I feel and how I look not what that stupid scale says.  

So internet, if you are curious.  As of this morning, I weigh 154.  There.  

Now let's do this.

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