Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day Two: 3 Ways YOU can do Paleo and 3 Recipes to Get You Started

Today, I really want to talk about something that I completely suck at.  Sticking with a "diet".  
I don't really think of Paleo as a diet because there is no calorie restriction! I can eat as much as I want and actually FEEL full.  When was the last time that happened on a "diet"??  Which is so freeing!  I am horrible at sticking with something if I am either miserable or not seeing any results. So today I want to talk about how I am doing things differently to stick with Paleo. 

1) I'm making tasty food.

This is NOT gonna work if I'm not enjoying what I'm eating.  I don't really like salads.  So guess what...I'm not eating salads.  I incorporate lots of fresh veggies in my meals without feeling like I am a rabbit!  I love to cook so coming up with my own recipes that I think will taste good helps a lot!

2) I'm prepared.

There is nothing wrong with keeping snacks in your purse because it's an AWESOME idea. Who doesn't like always eating?!?  My fave go-to foods are cashews, blueberries, and banana with sunbutter (sunflower seed butter). (The last two might get a little messy in your purse though).

3) I'm loving my body right NOW!

Most people diet in order to look good in a smaller size.  WHYYY??  Go out, buy something that you look BANGIN' in right now! Do not buy it in your goal size! Buy it in the size your butt fits in right now!  Go get your hair did! I did today and I feel fierce as crap.  

Look at that fierce face! Rawr
Now for today....So today is when I really started to feel those "detox symptoms" they talk about.  Last night I had a headache (I never get headaches) and this morning I was having hot flashes like nobody's business.  And although these are not "fun" symptoms, it is exciting to know that what I am doing is working. I'm feeling much better this afternoon.  

As far as food, I'm loving the opportunity to get creative.  My breakfast this morning was something that I saw on pinterest and wanted to try.  It's paleo pancakes.  Now I LOVE pancakes, so giving that up was going to be something I already knew was going to be hard.  These pancakes are 2 ingredients: 1 banana, 2 eggs.  I wish that I could say that I found the holy grail of paleo pancakes but I think that's going to take a little more trial and error.  And I would LOVE to tell you that everything that I make is delicious but we're being real, right??  Now don't get me wrong, if you are completely desperate for pancakes and you think you may burst if you don't get them, these will do fine but if you want the FLUFFY pancakes you are used to, these are not them.  I'd give them like a 5 or 6 on the tasty scale.  Mainly docking them for texture (think banana flavored omelette).  But I did eat them all so I guess I liked them ok.  Haha.  So REAL maple syrup is paleo!  So enjoy them as much as you can!  If I haven't scared you off, here is the recipe for Mediocre Paleo Pancakes

I am making it my mission in this 30 days to make not just a palatable pancake but a freaking delicious one...stay tuned.

I worked out with Brian as we normally do and then came home looking for something to make for lunch.  I didn't really have a cohesive plan so I just threw some stuff together and it was DELICIOUS.  Even my two year old was trying to steal my lunch.  While he was eating his peanut butter sandwich, I gave him a bite of mine.  Then he said "umm..I want dat instead, Mommy!".  So I'm qualifying this one a success.  Again, don't really have a name for it so I'll name it what it is....Sausage Pepper Spinach Stir-Fry

 I was for real impressed at this one.  Not by my own doing but because I eat only the best of the best of the best sausage.  Most of you who grew up in the south are familiar with Neese's sausage.  If you aren't, it's the best sausage that there is.  Hands down.  I get the "hot" kind (I usually hate spicy things but this is amazing".  

OK, my last recipe of the day is a Paleo Chai.  I LOVE CHAI.  It tastes like Christmas in a cup.  Well....I MADE A PALEO VERSION AND I CANNOT TELL THE DIFFERENCE! (Insert hallelujah chorus).  It is seriously amazing.  I might be drinking this everyday.  

I love cold chai...not a big fan of the hot stuff.  So I steeped the tea in like a quarter cup of hot water (not boiling, just hot), let it sit for about 10 minutes, then filled the rest of the cup up with cashew milk (not the tastiest on it's own but for this it's great!).  Then I added 1 tblsp of maple syrup (add more or less per your liking).  Then I stirred it up and drank it! IT'S AMAZING!! And it's boil free!

I work the next two days so I probably won't be blogging but I'll definitely be keeping up with what I'm eating and how I'm feeling to share later!

Thanks for reading!
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