The Primal Paradox:
" Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so."
These were the instructions given to the very first people on this earth. They were created to thrive in environment they were placed in...a garden. A garden...not a Walmart. We were created with very few primal needs. Things like air, water, food, sleep, etc. Three of these have no room for variation. Air is air. Water is water. Sleep is sleep. But fast forward to is no longer food. For many of us, our diet consists of mostly "food like products". For instance...what in the heck is a "processed cheese product"? I don't really know personally...I just know it's delicious. And that is the problem.
We were created with bodies that know exactly what to do with meat, veggies, fruits. Our bodies were not made to have to digest all of the hundreds of extra things that are added to our food today. The problem is that we have become addicted to this food "stuff" which is making us fat and sick and cannot give our bodies what they were made to need because we are addicted to the STUFF! That is the primal paradox.
Who am I?
I'm Jen. I am a 24 year old ER nurse living in central North Carolina with my soul mate and husband (same person haha), Brian and our 2 and a half year old son, Ellis.
For most of my recallable memory, I have had a love/hate relationship, not only with food, but with my body. I have never been obese but I have yo-yo'ed back and forth between overweight, normal, underweight, back to overweight, etc. I've been a lot of things but consistent was never one.
What am I doing?
For the next 30 days, I am going Paleo. What is paleo? Glad you asked. "Reputationally" (I think I just made up that word) Paleo has been a diet based on evolution; the idea that we should be eating as cavemen. But as a Christian, I firmly believe that Paleo is exactly right but I believe that God created us to digest the food that he created especially for us, as mentioned in Genesis 1:29-30. I am sure I will get a lot of raised eyebrows as being a Christian who is Paleo but guess what...I don't care! :) Paleo is...eating in the garden. Not literally....getting some Taco Bell to-go and sitting out in the middle of a garden while you stuff your face; but figuratively, eating the way we were supposed to..before we screwed it all up. And consequently, screwed ourselves up in the process. I am not saying that this is going to be easy or even fun but I wholeheartedly believe that if this works, this could completely change my life. So let's get down to brass tacks. Paleo. What the heck does is mean?
I can eat:
- meat...lots of meat (beef, pork, chicken, fish, BACON, etc.)
- fruit
- nuts
- seeds
- veggies
- oils
- healthy fats
What I'm cutting out:
- grains
- legumes
- dairy
- refined sugar
- processed crap
Why am I doing this?
First of all, It makes sense! We weren't made to be able to process all of this stuff which is why we aren't processing it! It's making us fat, sick, and tired. The things I will be eating were all at the disposal of the first people on this earth. The advent of bread came much later than people did. And as far as dairy, even if Adam & Eve had a dairy cow, they would not have been able to use as much dairy in their diet as we do. It just would not have been feasible.
Now for the personal reasons. I'm 24. There is no reason that I shouldn't be the most healthy version of myself right now. I have spent way too much of my life, hating the way I look, what the scale says, the up and the down, low fat this, low calorie that. It DOESN'T work. I got so caught up in all the diet fads and calorie counting that I restricted myself to 300 calories a day. Seriously. Nothing for breakfast. Broccoli and chicken broth for lunch. And a Lean Cuisine for dinner. It was a bad time. The skinniest time, yes. But did I like myself anymore? Nope. It sucked.
That's a very sad, skinny girl right there. I was about 120 lbs of misery.
Then I yo-yo'ed back up and became this person...
I'm the 3rd one.
Neither one of those girls is me. I mean yes, physically that is me but both of those girls were miserable. There has to be a happy medium.
I've binged and purged; I've taken pills; I've done the shakes; I've spent hours in the gym. I'm tired. Seriously. That's why I'm going back to square one. I know I was not made to feel like this. None of us were.
I also have had acne...for like 12 years. I was told I would grow out of it...false. I have done it ALL when it comes to trying to get rid of it. Nothing has worked. Although some say that acne and diet are unrelated, there has to be something to it. There was a study done on 2 people groups who lived off a paleo-like diet. Exactly zero of them had acne. I also have had acid reflux. FOREVER. Ugh it's awful. (I have heartburn as I'm typing now). In my Paleo research, I found an article from Duke University about a study that was done on people with acid reflux for which standard medication was not working. 100% of their patients saw a complete resolution of their heartburn within ONE WEEK of cutting out grains. Here is a link to that article if you are curious.
As an ER nurse, I see the worst of the worst. But mostly I see about 80% completely preventable health problems. Diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, joint pain, etc. It is honestly hard for me to respond when a 530 lb woman comes into the ER for knee pain. We cannot fix it. Only you can.
So that's what I'm doing. I am taking my life into my own hands. I refuse to live my life waiting for the next bounce of the yo yo. So for the next 30 days, I am going to live paleo 24/7. If it works for me, sweet! If it doesn't, I will at least be able to know I tried. Tomorrow makes day 1. Wish me luck!